HELLO, Welcome to my Practice....

Leslie Cedar

Are you holding back in your life ....  overwhelmed  with  Anxiety, Depression, or low Self-Esteem..... or have unresolved past or present Traumas.....?

Working with an experienced therapist in Psychotherapy
 will help you to grow and to move forward.

You will learn  effective tools and techniques specific to you and to your symptoms.

You will  learn  how your  past  affects  the  present and 
 gain  clarity, self-awareness,  and  a  sense of control       over your life.

Your self-value, your self-worth  and your own voice  emerge ......... 

There's no more holding yourself back! 

I have been specializing in Individual Therapy with Adults for over 35 years and Welcome you to therapy..

Please call or e-mail me for more information or to schedule a free Consultation.